Friday, December 10, 2010

162% Fubar

Dear Captain Fubar,

Maybe you are right, maybe it is all just too f*cked up beyond all repair....

53% Divorce rate for Marriages in America
40% Divorce rate for Marriages that suffered a stillbirth
+ 69% Divorce rate after an affair is discovered
162% Divorce rate for a marriage that has endured the crap we have....

Yep, that sounds about right....

Signing off,

1st Mate of the SS Fubar

Goodbye +1

Dear Shitty,

As they went around taking a head count for our Christmas party at work...the sheet read with a list of names followed by +1......and it was then I realized. I am no longer a +1....more accurately you could say I'm -1 these days.

Your +1,